Thursday, July 24, 2008

Hunger Strike Day 22; Vigil Day 154

This vigil that started early October 2007 (photo left) continues on Capitol Hill through next week at the end of which Congress goes to golf for the month.

Weekends are spent at the White House (photo right).

The Hunger Strike will continue through day #50 at the Pentagon, where a few heroes have been holding off President Cheney. Hunger Strike is suplemented with about 350 calories per day to offset the up to 50 block round trip walk to Capitol Hill. Health is good. There are as many as a dozen Congressmen that now pointedly seek my attention to give me thanks and encouragement daily when they cross to and from the White House. Once every few days or so some person or persons also, at random, spends time with me from around the country or around the world and seems to leave quite inspired, moved and committed; not unusually there are tears. News is unclear, but maybe positive regarding Iran ( Anti-War Movement Successfully Pushes Back Against Military Confrontation With Iran by Mark Weisbrot (source: Alternet) July 24, 2008). It is conceivable that I will terminate the Hunger Strike earlier than planned if the trend continues positive; saving my body for a more urgent time.

But today, with horrifying echoes of pre-Iraq II: Iran Ends Cooperation With UN Nukes Probe

ps. 6:45pm As I sit on Vigil on Capitol Hill, just this second, a congressman, from Georgia I believe, stopped, drew my attention and very pointedly said, "Friend, please do not stop what you are doing. Now is the most important time. If you can, get others with you, but PLEASE DO NOT STOP."

pps: Just a few minutes later another congressman walked past, stopped, turned, and stuck out his hand to shake mine, "God bless you sir," he said with great sincerity and gusto. In kind I thanked him for stopping, upon which, to set the record strait I think, he added, "I am on the other side of the issue from you, but God bless you." "And God bless you sir," I responded equally, from the heart.


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