Sunday, July 27, 2008

Hmmm. Again, why is this cause worth EVERYTHING?

4,000 US Combat Deaths, and Just a Handful of Images - NY Times

BAGHDAD — The case of a freelance photographer in Iraq who was barred from covering the Marines after he posted photos on the Internet of several of them dead has underscored what some journalists say is a growing effort by the American military to control graphic images from the war. (Full Article)

Zoriah Miller, the freelance photographer who took this image and others of marines killed in a June 26 suicide attack and posted them on his Web site, was subsequently forbidden to work in Marine Corps-controlled areas of Iraq. Maj. Gen. John Kelly, the Marine Corps commander in Iraq, is now seeking to have Mr. Miller barred from all United States military facilities throughout the world. Mr. Miller has since left Iraq.

In November 2004, Stefan Zaklin, a photographer then working for the European Pressphoto Agency, was embedded with a United States Army company. Mr. Zaklin photographed this soldier, who was shot and killed in Falluja, in a house used as a base by insurgents. The photograph ran in several European publications, and Mr. Zaklin was immediately banned from working with the unit.

Chris Hondros of Getty Images was with an army unit in Tal Afar on January 18, 2005, when its soldiers killed the parents of this blood-spattered girl at a checkpoint, and his photo was published around the world. Mr. Hondros was kicked out of the unit, though he soon became embedded with a unit in another city.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Hunger Strike Day 22; Vigil Day 154

This vigil that started early October 2007 (photo left) continues on Capitol Hill through next week at the end of which Congress goes to golf for the month.

Weekends are spent at the White House (photo right).

The Hunger Strike will continue through day #50 at the Pentagon, where a few heroes have been holding off President Cheney. Hunger Strike is suplemented with about 350 calories per day to offset the up to 50 block round trip walk to Capitol Hill. Health is good. There are as many as a dozen Congressmen that now pointedly seek my attention to give me thanks and encouragement daily when they cross to and from the White House. Once every few days or so some person or persons also, at random, spends time with me from around the country or around the world and seems to leave quite inspired, moved and committed; not unusually there are tears. News is unclear, but maybe positive regarding Iran ( Anti-War Movement Successfully Pushes Back Against Military Confrontation With Iran by Mark Weisbrot (source: Alternet) July 24, 2008). It is conceivable that I will terminate the Hunger Strike earlier than planned if the trend continues positive; saving my body for a more urgent time.

But today, with horrifying echoes of pre-Iraq II: Iran Ends Cooperation With UN Nukes Probe

ps. 6:45pm As I sit on Vigil on Capitol Hill, just this second, a congressman, from Georgia I believe, stopped, drew my attention and very pointedly said, "Friend, please do not stop what you are doing. Now is the most important time. If you can, get others with you, but PLEASE DO NOT STOP."

pps: Just a few minutes later another congressman walked past, stopped, turned, and stuck out his hand to shake mine, "God bless you sir," he said with great sincerity and gusto. In kind I thanked him for stopping, upon which, to set the record strait I think, he added, "I am on the other side of the issue from you, but God bless you." "And God bless you sir," I responded equally, from the heart.


Monday, July 14, 2008


Hi sis.

I've been in DC 3 years now doing the work I do. I've never seen what I've seen this past week. Yes Code Pink is awesome, but this Ron Paul Revolution crowd, about 3000 on Saturday - they truly "get" how rotten our system is in a way that is, hmmmm, deeply hopeful. One, Tom, came in a week early. 33, from Detroit, ex Army doing construction, very bright, very well informed... I'm pretty sure he is going to return to Detroit, settle his affairs and return here to fight. Brick, I met him today, 20ish, his dad owns a successful construction firm, he may do the same - return here full time in the fight. Saturday I met a guy at the rally, my age, from VT, extremely well informed, may do the same.

Now, the pattern we have to watch for and foster, is what always brings about change - people start dropping "normal life," and going to the "fight." I often think of the soldiers at Valley Forge - abandoned by their "country" - no pay, "patriots," no matter what the cost, having left "family," farm and security, why? Because it needed to be done; it was the right thing to do.

For the first time I've seen seeds of this in a group of some mass - the Ron Paul Revolution.

Yes, you, I and a few others may stay alone for a long time, but maybe not....

1938 Germany 70 years later

Silly me, I see that my choice of titles on the prior two posts below has caught NSA attention. I've now got these people REPEATEDLY checking the site, JUST THESE TWO POSTS, all referred by email, from Georgia, Maryland, State Col PA, RCN....
  • Government of the District of Columbia
  • Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless, Huston Texas
  • RCN Corporation, DC
  • Ellicott City, MD
  •, State College, PA....

If I disappear, you'll know where to look - a black site somewhere in the world.

Hey my brothers and sisters in the NSA, you can find me in plain sight, with big signs of children you've killed due to your paranoia, in Lafayette Park or on Capitol Hill most every day, trying with MY body at risk (NO ONE ELSE'S) on modified hunger strike, Day 15, to stop your insane military response to everything.

I suppose that once you've killed or imprisoned just about everyone on the planet, THEN you'll feel safe?

Assault on our Deadness begins at the Pentagon

Pentagon Assault Aborted

ps: I would take a bullet for you. I AM putting my body on the line for you.
pps: Who are YOU doing this for; the "government?" the Constitution? We the people? Are you making us safe by destroying all our constitutional and human rights?
ppps: Heil Hitler!
pppps: You DO know that protecting our rights, freedom and constitution by DESTROYING them is, er, um... clinically insane, don't you?

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Pentagon Assault Aborted

Aborted: Assault on our Deadness begins at the Pentagon

Tragic. It was a terrific mission at the Pentagon, and it was off to a promising start. The officers had no idea what to do when I arrived at 9:30am with all my stuff off the metro. Within minutes they were intrigued and I had maybe 6 of them as a captive, and ever more supportive audience for half an hour or more. But by late in the afternoon the "rules" had come down from on high that the campus is closed to non-full time employees from 8pm until 6am, and technically weekends as well. I do NOT believe this was trumped up, which is a different question from whether someone could fight it. But fighting that rule is not my battle right now, and BECAUSE of the rule the logistics of this mission for one man on his 54th day of hunger strike within the last quarter is more than I can manage.

Will I remain on Hunger Strike? Where will I vigil? Will it be round the clock? I'm not sure. My guess is that I'll end the hunger strike; be on the Hill Tue-Thu (when congress is there) and at the White House other days. Round the clock? Not sure.

Pity there are not more fighters. There is Hell to pay. Am I bitter? I am sad. It is like, there is this huge banquet of opportunities, and Diane, Ann, Code Pinkers... and few others at the table. For ever plate we can eat, 10,000 go untouched. What a waste. It is going to cost us this very planet.

Assault on our Deadness begins at the Pentagon

Wow. This one will be interesting. Will I be in jail within minutes? Dehydration? Spawn one, just one Daniel Ellsberg?
Deadness, Apathy, Zombieishness, Irresponsibility, Hypocrisy, Cowardice... this is the enemy... unHumanity by whatever name, both within and outside the Pentagon, Peace mOVEMENT, dEMOCRATIC party....

My intent is to maintain a round the clock vigil / Hunger Strike (Day 14) at the Pentagon Metro entrance on the Pentagon campus for 2 weeks; then to return to the Hill until congress leaves for August golf; at which point to return to the Pentagon to finish out the 50 days of intended Hunger Strike.

I have a new weapon - sound - in addition to the signs. My intent is to play, during "rush hours," quite loud:
Sermon on the Mount Sun-Wed. Excerpts.

Sermon on the Mount

...and then for 2 days each Yikes McGee!s devastating...
Liar in Chief
Bad President

As Sy Hersh's recent article reminded me, our best hope to escape the Bombing of Iran (and the launch of King George marshall law / police state) is a few inspired patriots inside the military. This is my best shot at adding to their inspiration.

As always... join in!

ps: Why Sunday for start? Seems to me it might help disarm the police, making it more likely I remain undisturbed, and set the correct tone with the broadcasting of the Sermon on the Mount on Pentagon campus.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Update 7/11: Hunger Strike Day 13

Monday was spent in recovery from acute dehydration.

Tuesday was on the Hill.

Wednesday was in preparation to introduce some very powerful music into the actions:
Bad President
Liar in Chief

Thursday on the Hill WITH the songs. For whatever set of reasons there was more Congressperson initiated "thanks" for this campaign than in any previous 2 months; about 20 congressfolks made contact with me to express thanks. Amazing.

Friday at the White House, and in the evening making final arrangements for sound equipment for future vigils, with donations from a variety of folks.

Photo thanks to

Flickr: isisDC's Photostream

Saturday and Sunday will be spent at the White House, at the Revolution March in support of a worthy musician (sharing the sound system) and preparing for the "Perpetual" Occupation of the Pentagon - by far my most dangerous assignment yet - no water, no bathroom, extremely remote, totally uncharted "legal" territory....

Note: Regarding the Hunger Strike, last Sunday was Day 14 but in Sunday evening and Monday I took almost a full day's calories in juice and fruit attempting to recover somewhat. Since then I've taken maybe 400 calories per day (25% RDA) in an attempt to stabilize my body. In an attempt to keep my Day Count high in integrity I've dropped back to #12 Day yesterday and will count upward from there expecting to divide my time between Pentagon, 2 weeks, Capitol Hill 2 weeks, and finish out the 50 days back at the Pentagon; with some time in the hospital likely interspersed.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Due to Severe Illness Hunger Strike Terminated; Vigil Continues Day 141

The only way I know to describe how I felt the last two days at the White House 7/24 is that it was like I was dying. Only day 14 of this water only hunger strike but day 50 of water only hunger strike within the last 3 months in full sun with no ability to recline - sitting 24 hours per day - my lower back in unbearable agony. This morning I flagged down an officer and requested to be taken to the Hospital, but they said it would cost too much. I seem to have lost the capacity to demonstrate in this way; for now at least. I am so sad - it is such a powerful way to fight.

This week congress is debating the Blockade of Iran - a declaration of war. This morning I began taking calories and my body is responding. Hopefully I will be on Capitol Hill with my "NO BOMB IRAN," and "STOP YOUR WAR" signs during the day as soon as tomorrow, accepting refuge from Thomas and Ellen at night while I recover. Then I expect to go to the Pentagon were there are officers standing against Bush and Cheney's mad lust to war on Iran - the third largest oil reserve in the world. Iran is a country that has not initiated war on any other country in 250 years; and one that the US Intelligence Agency - all agencies - declared had dropped its Nuclear Program in 2003. But Bush and Cheney say otherwise. My hope is to help stiffen the resolve of these brave officers.

As always others are welcome to participate.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Hunger Stike Day 10. Moving to Pentagon Monday

Round the clock vigil continues at the White House through Sunday per plan.

A change in plan results from Seymour Hersh...
A major hope for prevention of the Iraq bombing is Mid-level officers in the military.

I expect Monday morning to move the round-the-clock occupation / hunger strike to the Pentagon at the Metro entrance for the purposes of supporting / emboldening / mandating HEROIC PREVENTION of the bombing of Iran.

It may be that such an "Occupation" has never been attempted at the Pentagon; the legalities/police reaction are unknown.